Monday, January 30, 2012

Spiritual Gifts: the Gift that SHOULD keep giving

In the last blog, I wrote about the final chapters of 1 Peter.  Part of the discussion was around the importance of being an active learner when you are younger, and a good mentor as you gain more experience.

I also touched on Spiritual Gifts.  These are the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to those who accept Christ as their savior.  Every follower of Christ has been given a gift.

So what are the gifts, and why do we have them?  I found a good list of Spiritual Gifts, and their definitions at this site:

So now that you have a list of the gifts, what do you do next?  There are multiple tests that you can take online to help determine what spiritual gifts you have been blessed to receive.  There is also a good online class given by Cedar Creek Church that can better help you understand Spiritual Gifts :

So now that you are aware of Spiritual Gifts, and have the ability to find out more about them and which ones you possess, what is next?

Let me submit that you need to be careful using your gifts.  They were given for a specific reason:

  1. "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good" 1 Corinthians 12:7
    • That means that you are supposed to make sure that you are using your gifts for the GOOD OF OTHERS, not yourself.  Some of the gifts that you may have been given can very easily be used to manipulate others and bring power to yourself.  The devil likes nothing more than to twist a gift given by God to be wasted on yourself.
  2. " prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ might be built up" Ephesians 4:12
    • Again we see another example of how the gifts are meant to prepare you for works of service to build up God's name
  3. "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others..." 1 Peter 4:10

The important thing to remember is that one gifting is not better, or more important than the others.  They are all meant to serve a purpose in God's plan.  It is not what gift you have, but how you use it to serve those around you.

I didn't write much this week, because there was no need for it.  The sites that I reference are far better at explaining and helping you uncover the Gifts of the Spirit.  My goal is to get you to take action!  Christianity is an action word.  Christ was the best leader that ever lived.  He was knowledgeable, powerful, personable, active, and above all humble.  There are not many stories about Jesus lounging around, waiting for something to happen.  Jesus used the all of his many gifts to DO things that helped others.

My challenge to you is this:
  1. Do some research into Spiritual Gifts
  2. Determine what gifts you have been blessed with
  3. Use your gifts to DO something!
Start small, or go for it right out of the gate, just don't waste your blessing by sitting on the sidelines.  Now that you are aware that you have been given a gift, FROM JESUS, with the expectation that you should use it to help others.....what are you waiting for?