Friday, March 30, 2012

Pride and Time

My blog this week will be very short.  Over the past couple of months I have posted a lot about Pride and the different ways that it can impact leaders.  Something happened this week that really impacted my perception of how Pride and time interact.

Very dear friends of mine lost one of their children this week.  My prayers and heart go out to them, and I know that the one thing that they would give ANYTHING for, is more time with their son.

The impact of that thought has caused me to pause this week and think how much of my time, when I am not at work, is spent on selfish things vs humble things.....

Earlier this month the blogs suggested that the best way to prove that pride is not in the driver's seat is to focus on others and not on yourself.  The best metric that will judge your performance against this is how you spend your time.

So as a leader and a person, I challenge you to look at how you spend your TIME.  You can make almost anything, except time, so how you spend it is a direct reflection of where your priorities lie.  Think about it, you always find time to get done what you determine is a priority.

So here is a little bit of homework: Look at your calendar, evaluate how you have spent your time over the last week.  How are you spending your free time? Your work time?  Can you do a better job of including others in how you spend your time.....Are you including the right people?

Never forget that nothing is guaranteed.  So taking for granted that you can "make it up" to someone is pure folly.  The Lord is in control, on his timing.  The only thing that we can do is to impact the world, and our loved ones, at every opportunity that we have..... starting now.