The last couple of blogs have been focused around stress and anxiety and how we can use the word of God to help us through it. Today I thought we could look at our role in helping those around us deal with stress...
before we discuss how to help people who we see that are stressed, let's first ask the question "How much of the stress do I cause.". The easiest way to help people with their stress is not to be the cause of it.
Be consistent in your interactions with people. It is very stressful when someone you know is not sure how you will react to news. If you are not consistent, you run the risk of people avoiding you because they are unsure of what they will get. People are far less worried about delivering hard news if they know how you will likely react.
Keep your frustration focused on actions not people. When people feel attacked, or think they may get attacked, it raises their stress level. It may even cause them to "water down" messages to keep from getting verbally attacked.
Assuming that you are not the cause of the stress, how can you help people through it?
1. When you see people stressed, help them focus on what they are having success on.
Proverbs 12:25 says,"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.". One of the easiest ways to help people feel more relieved is to call out the good things they are doing, and keep them focused on the positive. If people can feel like they are making progress that is being noticed, then they will feel less stress.
2. Lend words of encouragement
Isaiah 35:4, "Say to those with an anxious heart 'be strong;fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, he will come and save you." Those words of reminder and encouragement, that God is there to help them may be all that they need to reach out in prayer and get the peace they need. Many times people just need to know they are no alone, and that they have someone to turn to for support.
3. Suggest prayer, or pray for them
In Romans 8:26 it reminds us that the Spirit will help us in our weakness, even if we don't know what to pray for, the Spirit will intercede for us. So even if someone is unsure of what the cause of their stress and anxiety may be, just praying for help will make a difference. How comforting would it be to know that someone is praying for the Holy Spirit to intercede in a stressful situation for you?
4. Roll up your sleeves and help out
In Galatians 6:2 God tells us to carry each others burdens. God put us on this earth to help each other, and when we can't help, to turn to Him. We are given skills and material things, not only for our enjoyment but also to help those in need. The next time that you see someone who is overwhelmed, figure out how you can contribute. Any load is lighter with two people do the work.
We have all delt with stress and anxiety and know how overwhelming it can be. As leaders, we need to do our best to help people minimize the amount of time they feel this way. They are less productive, less healthy, less happy and in need of help. So the next time that you sense someone is feeling a tad overwhelmed, see if you can implement any of the above suggestions to lend a helping hand. It will make make them feel better, it will make you feel better, and it will fulfill God's wishes.