This is the famous story of Cain and Abel. Abel does what he should by sacrificing his best livestock to the Lord. Cain tries to "check the box" by giving a sacrifice, but not with his best offering. Abel gets rewarded with God's favor, while Cain receives God's disapproval for his poor efforts. Cain was jealous of the recognition that Abel received and so he killed him. When God found out, he exiled Cain. (Very short summary, remember, you should read the chapter before reading these lessons)
This whole story started off down the wrong path when Cain decided to try to get by without giving his best. How would the story have been different if Cain would have put in the required effort.
The other opportunity for things to be different, happened when God let Cain know that he realized that the offering was not sufficient. If Cain would have taken God's feedback, taken accountability, and promised to improve in the future, he would have prospered in the future.
When I think about people who I have lead, it is easy to draw comparisons. How many times do people who are "just trying to get by" get jealous of people who are truly doing everything they can to be excellent? Our best chance is to recognize the "Cain" signs and try to change the outcome.
1. When you hear people make excuses for why another person is successful, a red flag should go up. If you don't address the comment, you condone it.
2. Like God did with Cain, point out to the person that if they focused on doing their best, the recognition would take care of itself.
3. Check to see if the person takes accountability and commits to change.
4. If there is no sign of contrition for the acts, or willingness to change, or accountability for their actions...Consider taking similar actions to what God took. Remove the person from the team. They will continue the same behavior and create an environment on the team that allows excuses for why other succeed, instead of look at themselves and asking "how can we improve?"